The Healthy Dog Food Database

We’ve taken the time to log every food in the United Kingdom and USA that we deem “healthy” to our database. This detailed database includes price ranges, proteins and minimum order weight - allowing pet parents to search for healthy food for their dogs that meets their requirements and needs. If you’re not in the UK, or the USA, Stay Tuned - we are currently working on bringing our database for healthy foods to include other countries popular within our group but with a database as comprehensive in as ours, this takes time! You can assist in this by sending your food suggestion using the form at the bottom of the page - let us know which country your suggestion is for too!

To help you find the interface (food type) you’re looking for, have a read of the below to work out which link to click!

What Are Complete Raw Dog Foods?

Complete raw dog foods are pre-balanced meals that include all the nutrients your dog needs for a healthy, balanced diet. These meals often consist of muscle meat, bones, organs, vegetables, and supplements. They are perfect for beginners or busy dog owners who want the convenience of ready-made meals without sacrificing nutritional quality.

Complete diets often meet FEDIAF (European Pet Food Industry Federation), AAFCO (Association of American Feed Control or NRC (Nutritional Research Council), feeding guidelines and whilst these guidelines weren’t initially created with fresh food in mind, they are a minimum requirement for brands to aim for - ensuring your dog gets all the necessary vitamins, minerals, and nutrients.

What Are 80:10:10 Raw Dog Foods?

The 80:10:10 raw diet is a simple formula based on the prey model, replicating a dog’s natural diet in the wild. The breakdown includes:

80% muscle meat: Provides essential protein and amino acids.

10% raw edible bone: Supplies calcium and phosphorus for strong bones and teeth.

10% offal (organs): Offers critical vitamins and minerals.

Unlike complete meals, 80:10:10 diets don’t contain vegetables or added supplements and are missing vital nutrients to sustain health long term. These diets are best suited for experienced raw feeders who understand how to meet their dog’s specific nutritional needs.

 The UK Database




UK 80/10/10





The USA Database

USA Complete Raw Foods

80:10:10 (Prey Model/Base Mixes)

USA Gently Cooked

USA Freeze Dried

The Canadian Database

(Coming Soon!)

Can’t Find The Food You’re Looking For? If you can’t find a particular food that you’re using or are thinking about feeding - this could be either because it does not meet our requirements in regards to foods being healthy and Beneficial for our dog’s nutritional requirements. This is why you will find there are not many wet or dry dog food options available on the database - this is down to the ingredients used as well as the cooking process which leaves very little room for nutritional value for your dog’s body to soak up.

If you’d like us to consider adding a food - please check our database closely before sending. From time to time we run offers with brands featured on our database - you will find all our discount codes on our offers page.